Kraken Registration open August 17th
2021-22 Fundy Female Hockey Association Season Registration
It’s officially time to release the Kraken! Fundy Female Hockey registration is finally here and volunteers and coaches are busy preparing for season start up.
Please take a few minutes to read this message – it will save you time when you complete your registration.
Registration will be a little different this year due to changes in the Hockey Canada system. All families must create new accounts with the new Hockey Canada system (HCR 3.0) as they changed their software this year…..
NEW IN 2021-22: Create your Hockey Canada Registry (HCR 3.0) Account and find your players Hockey Canada ID
- Go to the new Spordle Hockey Canada 3.0 registry website
- Create an account(as a parent) using the email address you use frequently.
- Go to Members
- Find and click the blue icon that looks like a person with a + on the right (by the head). To link your children to your account, you will need to search for them by name and birthdate. When you see their name, select link this member and write down their Hockey Canada ID.
- If you volunteer or coach with you can also search your own name and link your qualifications to the account.
- If your player is brand new to hockey you won’t be able to link them yet…..we will help you with that soon but please create your account.
- You are now ready to register for the season.
To register for the 2021/2022 season, click here
Be sure to use the same name and birth date that is in the Hockey Canada system.
Be sure to fill put in your players Hockey Canada ID. If you are brand new to hockey, please put “new” in the Hockey Canada ID.
You will be asked to sign a couple of waivers – photo release and parental code of conduct. You will also have a chance to let us know if you would like to volunteer with us.
Payments may be made by credit card in one payment or split up into three installments –(registration, October 22nd and November 19th). E-transfers are also accepted, please send to and with a password of Hockey is one is needed. Installments are also -possible by splitting the fees in 3 equal amounts and e-transferring them as per the schedule for credit card payments.
We recognize that Covid and other factors may affect families ability to participate in hockey. Financial assistance may available from PRO kids, Jumpstart and the Hockey Assist Fund. Please contact these agencies directly for assistance. If any of these agencies are assisting with registration fees, please notify the Registrar at so we are aware.