Welcome letter from FFHA President – Kathy Higgins
FFHA was spawned from a dedicated group of female enthusiasts who started a discussion and steered it to fruition through hard work and perseverance. A provisional board has been approved by Hockey New Brunswick to ensure a successful roll out.
2021/2022 is FFHA’s inaugural hockey season and we are excited to offer female hockey to those residing in Southern NB (Region 4), divisions from U7-U18. All female teams residing in this zone will now fall under Fundy Female. KVMHA’s and LMHA’s former female divisions now fall under FFHA.
FFHA will offer certified coaches with a focus on skill development. Our teams, which will range from recreation level to competitive provincial teams, will help bolster our vision. Players who don a Kraken jersey will feel a sense of pride and ownership that will be unmatched within the hockey community. It is our time to grow to the next level. Through regional development and recruitment sessions, high level coaching, team building events and most importantly a fun and positive atmosphere, we are confident our membership will have the best possible hockey experience.
We understand you have questions. Your board is working hard to get you all of your answers. Please stay tuned, or, feel free to email confidentially to: ffha.communications@gmail.com
As well, we are happy to launch our website. Please check us out at www.fundyfemalehockey.ca
Great job! We are excited to see this come together.
Thanks Jen,
We are very excited for the upcoming season! Go Kraken!